Российская ассоциация<br> международных исследований

Российская ассоциация
международных исследований

Секция 2.8. Государства в условиях санкций в контексте глобального империализма

Модератор: К. Киркхам (King’s College London)
рабочие языки русский и английский — предпочтительно
Контакты: ksenia.kirkham@kcl.ac.uk

Первая часть:

  1. Mrs. Ksenia Kirkham, PhD candidate, MBA, Teaching Assistant, King’s College London, London, UK. "The welfare state regime approach to analysing sanctioned states".
  2. Dr. Heidarali Masoudi, Assistant Professor at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. "Iranian approaches to international sanctions"
  3. Igbal Guliyev, Deputy Director, International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), Moscow, Russia; Igor Litvinyuk, Senior Analyst, Centre for Strategic Research and Geopolitics in Energy, International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO-University. "Foreign energy policy and diplomacy within the conditions of increasing communications and credibility gap".
  4. Dr. Dmitry Egorchenkov, the Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Predictions, The Peoples" Friendship University of Russia. "Hidden weapon of ideology: sanctions as a special case".
  5. Dr. Mehdi Hedayati Shahidani, Assistant Professor at University of Guilan, Islamic Republic of Iran. "Unilateral sanctions as an unfair process in international relations".

Вторая часть:

  1. Dr. Riccardo Preti, Partner at the Studio legale Preti Manzini & Patane, Milan, Italy. "Effects of restrictive measures on European Union members".
  2. Mr. Evgenyi Ohotskyi, Doctor of Science, Professor of MGIMO-University; Mr. Sergey G. Kamolov, associate professor, deputy head of department, MGIMO-University. "Public administration in conditions of crisis and sanctions restrictions".
  3. Mr. Oleg Buzdes, Commercial director ZAO ‘Biotechnologii’, MA, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, Russia. "Development of the russian agricultural industry under sanctions and counter-sanctions".
  4. Victoria A. Silaeva, attaché of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. "The role of Germany in the coordination of the European Union positions in the elaboration of the anti-Russian sanctions policy".