Russian International Studies Association

Russian International Studies Association

Sections of the I RISA Convention

1. Conceptual Foundations of Russian Foreign Policy
Co-Chairs: F.M. Bourlatsky, P.A.Tsygankov

2. Security Challenges in the Modern World
Co-Chairs: A.A. Konovalov, D.V. Trenin

3. Problems of Globalization in Modern World
Co-Chairs: A.D. Bogaturov, V.M. Kulagin

4. International Conflicts and the Role of Russia
Co-Chairs: D.M. Feldman, V.A. Kremenyuk
Sub-panel: The Balkans in International Conflicts of the late 20th – early 21st Century

5. Russian Perceptions of the World. The World's Perceptions of Russia
Co-Chairs: G.A. Satarov, V.M. Sergeev

6. Russia in the World Economy
Co-Chairs: A.A. Dynkin, N.N. Liventsev

7. Regional Aspects of the Russian Foreign Policy
Co-Chairs: V.M. Pechatnov, A.D. Voskresensky

8. International and European Law: New Problems
Co-Chairs: Yu.M. Kolosov, L.M. Entin

9. External Relations of the Russian Regions
Chair: I.M. Busygina

10. Teaching International Relations in Russia
Co-Chair: M.M. Lebedeva, I.G.Tyulin

11. International Relations: New Generation of Researchers and Teachers
Co-Chairs: D.N. Peskov, A.V. Safaryan