International Conference “Russia and ASEAN in the Asia-Pacific Region: Dynamics of Cooperation, Regional Processes and Global Context”

On October 13-15, 2022 the ASEAN Centre will hold an international conference “Russia and ASEAN in the Asia-Pacific Region: Dynamics of Cooperation, Regional Processes and Global Context” dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It will take place within the framework of the 14th Convention of the Russian International Studies Association (RISA) “World. Beyond Convention”.
The conference aims at discussing the current trends of Southeast Asia’s and ASEAN’s development. It will focus on assessing the five decades and a half experience of the Association as well as its achievements in various fields, relations with Russia and other dialogue partners. The conference will analyze the avenues of ASEAN members’ cooperation in overcoming new challenges and adapting to the transformation of the international relations system. Papers and presentations on the key trends in the political and socio-economic development of individual ASEAN members are also welcome. Special thematic sessions and presentation of new literature on Southeast Asia will also be a part of the program.
Working languages: Russian and English.
Participation Format: offline and online.
To participate in the conference as a speaker, please fill in the registration form. Applications and registration for speakers are accepted until September 15.
Apart from registration, abstracts for the conference should be submitted to the following email:
Аbstracts for the conference submission consist of the following sections (please double check before submission): title, information about the author, abstract with a clearly formulated research problem that the author plans to analyze at the conference (up to 300 words in total) and the keywords (up to 6).
Should any additional questions arise please contact the conference organizing committee:
Email:, tel. +7 495 234-83-61.
Coordinators: Dr. Valeria Vershinina, Dr. Nikita Kuklin. Ms. Kira Tabunova.