Russian International Studies Association

Russian International Studies Association

Sections of the XI RISA Convention


On 28-29 September, 2017 MGIMO-University will host the 11th Russian International Studies Association Convention (RISA) “Dialectics of the Empire: Revolution versus Continuity”. The event is supported by MGIMO Endowment Fund.

The Organizing Committee of the XI RISA Convention has finished the application processing and as a result has registered 53 sections and 4 round tables. The participants of the Convention are expected to discuss key milestones and trends of world development in the context of revolutions and transformations of the last century.

Several partner events will take place within the framework of the XI RISA Convention: international scientific conferences “The Russian Revolution of 1917 and its historical footprint”, “Poland and the Russian revolution”, “The First World War and Russian-Turkish relations in early XX century”, “Russia and ASEAN in the Asia-Pacific Region: dynamic of cooperation, regional processes and global context (devoted to the 50th anniversary of ASEAN)”.

Besides, the Organizing Committee of the XI RISA Convention continues to receive the applications for the scientific contest among young researchers. By now the Organizing Committee has already received over 30 applications in four nominations: “Best Monographic Paper”, “Best Collective Research”, “Best Scientific Article by a Young Researcher”, and a special nomination “The Great Russian Revolution and international studies: lessons of the past and current research problems”. The deadline for submitting your applications is September, 1.

XI RISA Convention welcomes anyone interested – as a participant as well as listener. To take part in the Convention please fill in the registration form and pay the fee. To present a report please submit your abstract and the text of your report to the moderator of the section you would like to participate until September, 4.

Important dates of the 11th RISA Convention:
4 September — deadline for the abstracts and texts of reports and articles 
15 September — publication of the list of participants and reports on the RISA website
24 September — deadline for online registration on the RISA website (obligatory for all participants)
28-29 September — XI RISA Convention